Sunday, 1 November 2015

Day 1 - WC = 1971

Success! I made the daily quota! I even exceeded it! I would have been a lot happier if Aunty M was well...

Work and studying take up most of my time. If today signals the norm rather than an exception, that 50K target is out of the question.

Before starting NaNo, I did try to prepare. Having never done this before, I sort of guessed my way through "Nano Prep".

I tested my writing speed and found that I could write around 1600 to 2000 words comfortably, in a couple of hours. I outlined a plot (sort of) and a map of "scenes" to help unfold the story. I came up with more than 30 scenes or mini-scenes. Wonderful. If I write a scene or two a day, between 1600-2000 words, I can make the quota. Right? Of course. This is the scientist in me talking.

So why don't I feel positively ecstatic about 1900+ words?

Besides a constant worry about Aunty M, I think I just didn't enjoy the writing of those 1900+ words.

First, I struggled to pick a scene to work on. When I finally  picked one, it took a while to get going. I stopped at points to check notes or to do more world building. I had to wait for character to firm up in my mind.

I am more of a "pantser" in writing, not much of a plotter. The story unfolds as I write it. Thinking back school days, it has ever been thus.

50K? Right...

Let's see how tomorrow goes.

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