Sunday, 1 November 2015


Hi! My name is Gayle. This blog is where I will record my National Novel Writing Month experiences.

Called NaNoWriMo for "short", it is an annual challenge to use the 30 days in the month of November to write 50,000 words. Roughly the size of a novel. Averaging out to approximately 1,667 word per day.

It has quite a global following. There is a vibrant online community where you can register to take part. There is no charge, just a community of people around the world who decide to dedicate 30 days to writing something. Some are serious authors, some are just enthusiasts or rank beginners. Some are published, some don't care if no one ever reads their work.

I was intrigued when I first heard of NaNo (the shorter short way of saying it) on the Writer's Village University writing community, almost a year ago. I determined that, come hell or high water, I was going to try this.

So this blog is just to track my NaNo experience. Why not? Maybe each post can count towards my daily quota?

Let see how well I do...

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